

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

How to create a resume or CV

How to create a resume or CV

In this article we will discuss about a very important topic “How to create a resume or CV”. Resume preparation is considered to be a key phase for the students or freshers preparing for job interview. However most of the students still have a doubt on “How to create a resume or CV” or more precisely saying “How to create a perfect resume or CV”

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First of all, let us try to understand the

Difference between a resume, a CV and a bio-data.

Bio – Data generally contains information related to one’s physical appearance, hobbies, likes and dislikes and many other personal preferences. These are generally used in the marriage agencies or signing – up with different websites.
Resume is usually a 2 – page information which gives a reader an idea of the individual’s educational qualifications, one’s wide range of works during academics and little bit of personal information. It is considered to be a most powerful weapon in selecting a candidate for the job.
CV or Curriculum Vitae is an extension of resume. It contains information about an individual’s work experience, educational qualifications, practical exposure, and little bit of personal information. The length of the information may vary according to the experience one possess and might be larger than 2 – pages.
Now let us learn step by step procedure to know How to create a resume or CV.

How to create a resume or CV: 

Step 1:

In this step we will learn how to write the “Title of the resume”. The title of the resume should be your name and it should not be RESUME or Curriculum Vitae. After you write your name, mention your mail id and contact number. Individual’s address can also be mentioned in the title, but, it should not be too clumsy.

How to create a resume or CV: 

Step 2:

This is a very important part of the document. In this step one has to provide information about career objective, educational qualifications, technical skills, project works etc.,
Let us discuss in this section more in detail, starting with Career Objective

Career Objective: Resume Tips

The saddest part of the career objective is, most of the individual’s especially students, copy someone else’s career objective and put it in their resume. This is not a good practice. Most of the companies prefer candidates with genuine career objective. Then, how to write a career objective ?
Career objective is how you want to see yourself in the next 5 to 10 years in the career you have chosen. In other words, how do you help the company you work with and in turn how do you develop yourself in that workplace. Generally, career objective should not exceed 3 lines.

Educational Qualifications: Resume Tips
A HR will keenly look at your academic credentials during the job interview. However, HR spends only 5 seconds in this section, so you have to present all the educational qualifications in as simpler manner as possible.
I generally advise my students present these details in a tabular form. One has to mention the educational qualifications in the resume in a chronological order starting with the latest degree first.
For example, a student who completed engineering has to mention the details of her/his bachelor’s degree first, followed by intermediate or HSC education and finally SSC or Tenth education.
The format for furnishing the details is given below.
Degree / QualificationName of the InstituteYear of PassingAggregate / % of marks.

Technical Skills:
A student is expected to provide information related to one’s exposure to technical knowledge gained through his education. Here, the individuals are strongly advised not to bluff the HR, as one might be tested very rigorously on these subjects during the job interview.
Project work details: 
This is the section from which an individual can expect a lot of job interview questions. One has to mention all the details related to his/her projects very precisely as there are lot of chances of getting selected if one can answer all the questions asked by the technical HR.
One has to mention project name, project description, team size, role and responsibility in the project work details section.
Starting from the title to project work details a HR will have an idea of the individual’s technical competency. But, Human Resource people also look for social skills, extracurricular skills and personal information about the candidate attending the job interview.

How to create a resume or CV: 

Step 3:

In this section an individual has to mention details about his/her extracurricular activities, co-curricular activities, achievements.
Extra Curricular Activities:
The activities other than academic activities are considered to be extracurricular activities. For example, playing sports like cricket, football or badminton, participating in cultural events like dance, drama or singing or participating in social service activities like NSS, blood donation etc., are considered to be extracurricular activities.
People applying for various positions are strongly advised to furnish at least 3 extracurricular activities in their resume or CV.
Co Curricular Activities:
The activities which in some or the other manner are related to academics are called co – curricular activities. For example, paper presentation, technical symposiums, technical quiz, workshops, group discussions, debates etc., are considered to be co – curricular activities.
People applying for various positions are strongly advised to mention minimum of 3 co – curricular activities in their resume or CV.

Individuals are recommended to write minimum of 3 top most achievements they have had in their lives related to co – curricular or extra – curricular activities in this section. Achievements which are of high significance are only to be mentioned as achievements of less significance may not create a positive impression on the HR.

How to create a resume or CV: 

Step 4:

This is the last section of writing a resume. In this section one should focus on writing their strengths and personal information. Let us discuss in details

Students and individuals are strongly recommended to go through a SWOT analysis before they jot down their strengths in this section. The chances of HR asking interview questions based on this section are very high. An individual should avoid writing dummy strengths as it might make one land in trouble.
Personal Information:
This part of the section though is not that significant, one has to provide accurate details. Information like father’s name, permanent address, date of birth, hobbies, personal interests, languages known, sex (only for online resume) etc., come under personal information.
Individuals are advised to avoid writing nationality, religion, caste and other similar information in this section.
Mentioning declaration is completely optional for resumes. However, some companies are very much particular about the declaration part in the resume.
This completes the article on how to create a resume or CV.
Hope this article helps everyone, especially the student community in clearing their doubts on how to create their resume or CV and guides them to write a perfect resume or CV.

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